What’s a kiosk structure?

It’s a wayfinding sign structure that’s built to your city’s exact specifications with your city’s logo and colors incorporated into the design. It looks like a city owned sign!

What does it do?

It directs drivers and pedestrians to destinations in the host city..

It eliminates visual clutter. It generates revenue for the host city.

Who gets to use them?

The city decides that. The city controls the usage. Typically they are used by local businesses, homebuilders and city facilities. The cities never pay anything for the panels they use.

What does it cost the city to get to use them?

Nothing! That’s one of the main benefits of the program. The city gets a percentage of the panels to use however they want to AT NO COST…period.

Is there ever any cost to the city?

No, none! In fact, the city participates in part of the revenue from the leasing of panels to local businesses.

How does it work for local businesses to utilize the panels?

Local businesses are charged a nominal monthly fee to use the panels. The city decides what categories of information are allowed on the kiosk panels, (phone number, website, logos, etc.) so the city maintains a high degree of control over the program from beginning to end. We do all of the artwork, production, and installation at no charge to the client. We make the process really easy for them. The only thing they pay for is the monthly lease fee.

Who manages the program once it’s installed?

We do. We manage the entire process from maintenance, to leasing of the panels, to invoicing and collecting of rents. The city doesn’t have to manage the process at all.